EE-602 (Remote Temperature Indicator)

Remote Temperature Indicator: EE-602

Remote Temperature Indicators Emco Electronics’ ROTI / RWTI EE-602 are remote temperature indicators which indicate temperature proportional to resistance input. The temperature is indicated on a 3 digit 7 segment LED display . The 3 wires viz Min., Max., and Com. coming from 440E or 2K8 pot within the main analog type OTI / WTI are connected to Min., Max. and Com. T erminals on the unit as indicated on the rear panel. T est / Normal switch is used for testing the display.


  • Microcontroller based architecture
  • Auto detection of 440E or 2.8K pot
  • Automatic self adjustment of 4-20mA Current
  • Test mode facility for testing displays
  • Bright and clear 7-segment displays for long distance viewing
  • 4-20mA I/P, PT-100 Sensor I/P options available
  • 4-20mA DC Current Output for SCADA (optional)


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