Tap Position Indicators : EE-610
Emco Electronics’ Tap Position Indicators are used to indicate the Tap position of the Power Transformer with On Load Tap-Changer (OLTC). The 3 wires coming from the OLTC (Min, Wiper, Max) are connected to the TPI along with the Auxiliary Supply. As the tap of the Power Transformer changes, the display is updated
- Microcontroller based compact design
- Dual 4-20mA Output
- User programmable delay
- Automatic Max. Tap detection and 4-20mA O/P adjustment
- Digital calibration of 4-20mA Output
- User selectable chain resistance
- Tap change counter (optional)
- HV side KV display (optional)
- RS-485 MODBUS Communication (optional)
- 4-20mA Input (optional)