TPI Transducer : EE-611BT
TPI to BCD Transducer : EE-611BT Emco Electronics’ EE-611BT is used to convert the Tap position of the Power Transformer with OLTC to its equivalent 2 digit Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) format. The 3 wires coming from the OLTC (Min, Wiper, Max) are connected to the Transducer. As the Tap of the Transformer changes, the 2 digit BCD output changes which can later used for remote indication.Features:-
- Microcontroller based architechture
- Potential free, 2 digit BCD O/P contacts
- Auto. Max. Tap detection for 4-20 output
- 35 mm Din-rail / Wall Mounting
- Dual 4-20mA O/P (optional)