EE-801 ( Transformer Temperature Controllers)

Transformer Temperature Controllers: EE-801

Emco Electronics’ Transformer Temperature Controller Type EE-801 is used for monitoring and controlling the Temperature of Transformers. Parameters are User Programmable such as No. of Channels, Scanning Speed, Relay Thresholds, Relay Energizing Delays, Hysteresis, Max Recording Threshold, Max temperature recording step, Relay Grouping etc. The SET mode for programming of parameters is password protected for avoiding unauthorized access. Scan / Hold mode of operation allows user to monitor either one particular channel or all the channels. Self Calibration feature allows quick and easy calibration of the unit in the field. 4-20 mA output for any one channel allows SCADA connectivity or can be used for Remote Indication.


  • 4 channel, Microcontroller based Temperature indicator and controller
  • PT-100 sensor inputs
  • Programmable parameters through key switches
  • Max. temperature recording for all channels
  • 4 Relay outputs grouped with channels
  • 3 digit 7-segment LED display
  • Scan / Hold mode of display


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