Automatic Voltage Regulating Relay : EE-301ET
Emco Electronics’ Solid State Voltage Regulating Relay Type EE 301ET is used for regulating the secondary voltage of power transformer with on-load tap changer . The required dead-band settings are set by setting the L & R levels independently. The Time Delay setting on the front panel eliminates the relay operations for momentary fluctuations of the regulated voltage thus reducing the number of operations of the tap changer.Integrated Tap Position Indicator eliminates the need of additional TPI for indication of Tap Number of OLTC. This reduces both on Space and Cost also reducing the wiring and making it easy.
- AVR and TPI integrated in single unit
- Digital readout for PT supply and Control band
- Saving on Space and Wiring
- LED indications for Raise, Lower and UV
- Automatic Detection of Max Tap
- Automatic resetting after Voltage correction
- User specified Step Resistance
- Single pulse operation of Control Relays
- Digital readout for Tap No. with Adj. Pot
- Undervoltage Internal Blocking